Another minimal blurb from Apple
About iMac Software Update 1.1
This update provides important bug fixes and is recommended for 20-inch and 24-inch iMac models with 2.0, 2.4, or 2.8GHz processors
OK so guess what the bug fixes are for?
That’s right more graphics stuff!
The Displays/Overrides file has all sorts of gamma values and RGB color points for the display to use. Then a couple kernel extensions for the video card, some plugins, drive bundle, and the Rosetta GLEngine. So an all round Universal patch fest for the drivers. Is AMD/ATI gettin’ to work or what!
However on second thought is the overides file with it’s color information a response to the 18-bit color reproduction issues some people have been talking about? Hmmmm….
Could be. It’s all good here.
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