Detecting Apple Intelligence and ChatGPT Integration Status

Run a Jamf shop? Would you like to collect stats on who’s turned on Apple Intelligence so far? That is, if your company hasn’t already had you put the kibosh on it! Personally I think Apple Intelligence and it’s Private Cloud Compute are a secure and private way to use things like the Writing Tools to proofread, make list or tables, etc. without wondering if your corporate data is being used in further LLM training. If your company is so enlightened and you’d like to see which Macs have Apple Intelligence enabled, read on! Or perhaps, you’d just like to see how it’s done. It’s not as straightforward as you might think, Apple engineers are really into obfuscation these days!

Finding the Suspects

The first part of the fun is hunting down which file might indicate the status of Apple Intelligence. I closed all other apps except System Settings, toggled Apple Intelligence on and off and tried a few things: Looking at /Library/Preferences in Finder sorted by date (in this case make sure to show hidden files), running FSMonitor to see things visualized, running fs_usage -w -f filesys | grep plist while screen recording in Quicktime to see the exact moment I enabled/disable Apple Intelligence. After some toggling it is determined that ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist is our target. A few days later I re-discovered Bob Gendler’s excellent post about using the command log stream --debug --predicate 'process == "cfprefsd" && eventMessage CONTAINS "wrote the key"' to help narrow things down and this also confirmed this is the file (as well as many others) being written to when it’s enabled.

Obfuscation Investigations

Let’s look at ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist and see if we can find the exact key name. This file is a bit special in that you can do the same thing 5 6 different ways with defaults! Run one of these commands as the console user not root:

  • defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
  • defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences
  • defaults read NSGlobalDomain
  • defaults read -globalDomain
  • defaults read -g
  • defaults read "Apple Global Domain"
    • Bonus update: 👆Shows up in defaults read and nowhere else

Regardless of how we do it though, the output for the keys is abridged and useless to us in this form.

What’s going on? What is this halting hexadecimal hodgepodge? Let’s use defaults export -g - to print the contents to in XML1 format (BTW you won’t find export documented in the man page, after a decade it still only exists in defaults -h help).

Ah, OK, these keys are <data> types which contain base64 encoded strings. The contents are possibly binary data. We’ve already established that defaults is not going to be useful to us. In my previous post Respecting Focus and Meeting Status in Your Mac scripts (aka Don’t Be a Jerk) we are able to extract the data using plutil -extract however because these key names contains periods (aka “full stop” U+2E) this clashes with plutil’s shoddy “keypath” parsing, which uses periods to delimit the path but doesn’t respect escaping periods with a backslashes (which is not hard to do as my JSON tool ljt can handles this). So all we are left with is /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy let’s give that a try: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist -c "print (Spoiler alert the key is:

OK! There we go, it’s a binary plist inside the key of a plist! “Brilliant” Apple, really. 🙄 Alright then, let’s pipe this through plutil -convert xml1 - -o - and get some ASCII XML yeah?

Pardon moi, but what the shit is this!? 💩 file said it was an “Apple binary property list” – according to those first bytes. Let’s look at it run through xxd to see if we can find more clues.

Aha! There is an extraneous newline (0x0a) that PlistBuddy is outputting (annoying but at least consistent!). Why can’t that just be ignored? Because apparently the last byte of a binary plist is the offset table, mess that up and it all falls apart. So what we need to do is trim this dangling newline. For this I consulted ChatGPT and perl -pe 'chomp if eof' is the magic we need. BTW ChatGPT does well for me to ask very targeted and direct questions like this, I don’t ask it to write entire scripts but sometimes it will have insights into different methods I’d never considered.

OMG. SRSLY? Apple is writing data encoded binary plist data containing a single integer value in an array?! ATTN: Craig Federighi: Please tell your engineers to stop junking up an otherwise elegant system with these obfuscation games. Alright, let’s bring it home and get the value with this: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist -c "print" | perl -pe 'chomp if eof' | plutil -convert xml1 - -o - | plutil -extract 0 raw - -o -

There we go: 0 (zero), which means Apple Intelligence is on. When it’s 2, it’s off. Yet another key like PrivateMACAddressModeSystemSetting which has the opposite meaning of what you might expect. BTW I’ve yet to see the value as 1, except for this June Tweet where someone writes a 1 to turn on Writing Tools on a beta. BTW this key only indicates the state, in my testing it does not affect the state, meaning if you change the value (and even do a killall cfprefsd) all it will do is blank out the Apple Intelligence toggle for a moment and then it’ll sort itself out and display the true state.

And yes there is another way to get the state of Apple Intelligence however it makes the assumption that you only have one account in MobileMeAccounts.plist to determine your AccountDSID and then query yet another file but if you have more than one Apple Account, you know like for all your purchases in: iTunes/Music/App Store there may be multiple accounts (** cough** merge accounts Apple! **cough**) so it may return an erroneous results if you have more than one account.

The ChatGPT integration is actually a cinch to determine. I used the same method above to find the plist and then, because the engineers on this didn’t play games with encoded binary plist data within a plist, all you need to do is simply ask: defaults read isEnabled and amazingly 0 means off and 1 means on, imagine that!

Usable Extension Attributes

You’ve made it this far, here’s the goods: OS-Apple Intelligence and OS-Apple Intelligence ChatGPT they are fully commented and when you run them here’s what they return. I’m trying out a new way to output both values and their interpretations, because let’s be honest, we are “reading tea leaves” here. 🍵 None of this is officially documented by Apple and always subject to change. If a new value pops up, it will still be reported in the output. You won’t have to scramble to fix the extension attribute right away, just adjust the criteria in your Smart Group to match the value in the parentheses if there’s a policy that depends on it.

Closing Thoughts

What an absolute pain it was to get a single numerical value from a single key! To that end after I had written these extension attributes I went to work over the Thanksgiving break and wrote a tool to make this effortless. I’ll be releasing this tool, which will work as both a standalone tool and a shell script function in the coming days!

Determining iCloud Drive and Desktop and Documents Sync Status in macOS

I’m on a roll with iCloud stuff. In this post I’d like to show you how you can determine if either iCloud Drive is enabled along with the “Desktop and Documents Folders” sync feature. While you can use MDM to turn these off, perhaps you like to know who you’d affect first! Perhaps the folks in your Enterprise currently using these features are in the C-Suite? I’m sure they’d appreciate a heads up before all their iCloud docs get removed from their Macs (when MDM disallowance takes affect it is swift and unforgiving).

iCloud Drive Status

When it comes to using on-disk artifacts to figure out the state of macOS I like to use the analogy of reading tea leaves. Usually it’s pretty straightforward but every now and then there’s something inscrutable and you have to take your best guess. For example iCloud Drive status is stored in your home folder at ~/Library/Preferences/MobileMeAccounts.plist but yet the Accounts key is an array. The question is how and why you could even have more than one iCloud account signed-in?! Perhaps a reader will tell me when and how you would ever have more than one? For now it seems inexplicable.

Update: It seems quite obvious now but as many folks did point out, of course you can add another iCloud account to Internet Accounts and it can sync Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, and Notes, just not iCloud Drive. Only one iCloud Drive user per user on a Mac. While I do have another AppleID I only use it for Media and Purchases and none of the other iCloud services. The code below stays the same as it is looking at all array entries. Aside: Boy, do I wish I could merge or transfer my old iTunes purchasing/media Apple ID with my main iCloud Apple ID! <weakly shakes fist at faceless Apple bureaucracy that for some reason hasn't solved the problem of merging Apple IDs>

Regardless of that mystery jpt can use the JSONPath query language to get us an answer in and the minified Below is an edited excerpt:

#Joel Bruner - - gets the iCloud Drive status for a console user


function iCloudDrive()(

	#for brevity pretend we've pasted in the minified jpt function:
	#for the full function see

	consoleUser=$(stat -f %Su /dev/console)

	#if root grab the last console user
	if [ "${consoleUser}" = "root" ]; then
		consoleUser=$(/usr/bin/last -1 -t console | awk '{print $1}')

	userPref_json=$(sudo -u $consoleUser defaults export MobileMeAccounts - | plutil -convert json - -o -)

	#pref domain not found an empty object is returned
	if [ "${userPref_json}" = "{}" ]; then
		return 1
		#returns the number paths that match
		matchingPathCount=$(jpt -r '$.Accounts[*].Services[?(@.Name == "MOBILE_DOCUMENTS" && @.Enabled == true)]' <<< "${userPref_json}" 2>/dev/null | wc -l | tr -d "[[:space:]]")
		if [ ${matchingPathCount:=0} -eq 0 ]; then
			return 1
			return 0
# MAIN #

#example function usage, if leverages the return values
if iCloudDrive; then
	echo "iCloud Drive is ON"
	exit 0
	echo "iCloud Drive is OFF"
	exit 1

The magic happens once we’ve gotten the JSON version of MobileMeAccount.plist I use jpt to see if there are any objects within the Accounts array with Services that have both a Name that matches MOBILE_DOCUMENTS and have an Enabled key that is set to true, the -r option on jpt tells it to output the the JSON Pointer path(s) the query matches. I could have used the -j option to output JSONPath(s) but either way a line is a line and that’s all we need. Altogether it looks like this: jpt -r '$.Accounts[*].Services[?(@.Name == "MOBILE_DOCUMENTS" && @.Enabled == true)]

Again because Accounts is an Array we have it look at all of them with $.Accounts[*]and in the off chance we get more than one we simply say if the number of matches is greater than zero then it’s on. This works very well in practice. This function could best be used as a JAMF Extension Attribute. I’ll leave that as a copy/paste exercise for the reader. Add it to your Jamf Pro EAs, let sit for 24-48 hours and check for results! ⏲ And while some of you might balk at a 73k Extensions Attribute, the execution time is on average a speedy .15s!

#a pretend iCloudDrive Jamf EA 
#pretend we've pasted in the function iCloudDrive() above

if iCloudDrive; then

echo "<result>${result}</result>"

iCloud Drive “Desktop and Documents” status

Thankfully, slightly easier to determine yet devilishly subtle to discover, is determining the status of the “Desktop and Documents” sync feature of iCloud Drive. After searching in vain for plist artifacts, I discovered the clue is in the extended attributes of your Desktop (and/or Documents) folder! You can find the scripts at my GitHub here and the minified version iCloudDriveDesktopSync_func

#Joel Bruner - iCloudDriveDesktopSync - gets the iCloud Drive Desktop and Document Sync Status for the console user


#must be run as root
function iCloudDriveDesktopSync()(
	consoleUser=$(stat -f %Su /dev/console)

	#if root (loginwindow) grab the last console user
	if [ "${consoleUser}" = "root" ]; then
		consoleUser=$(/usr/bin/last -1 -t console | awk '{print $1}')

	#if this xattr exists then sync is turned on
	xattr_desktop=$(sudo -u $consoleUser /bin/sh -c 'xattr -p ~/Desktop 2>/dev/null')

	if [ -z "${xattr_desktop}" ]; then
		return 1
		return 0

#example function usage, if leverages the return values
if iCloudDriveDesktopSync; then
	echo "iCloud Drive Desktop and Documents Sync is ON"
	exit 0
	echo "iCloud Drive Desktop and Documents Sync is OFF"
	exit 1

The operation is pretty simple, it finds a console user or last user, then runs the xattr -p command as that user (anticipating this being run as root by Jamf) to see if the extended attribute exists on their ~/Desktop. In testing you’ll find if you toggle the “Desktop and Documents” checkbox in the iCloud Drive options, it will apply this to both of those folders almost immediately without fail. The function can be used in a Jamf Extension Attribute in the same way the iCloudDrive was above. Some assembly required. 💪

So, there you go! Another couple functions to read the stateful tea leaves of iCloud Drive settings. Very useful if you are about to disallow iCloud Drive and/or Desktop and Document sync via MDM but need to know who you are going to affect and let them know beforehand. Because I still stand by this sage advice: Don’t Be A Jerk. Thanks for reading you can find these script and more at my GitHub repo. Thanks for reading!

Decoding macOS automatic login details

In my previous post, Automating automatic login, we looked at how to create the /etc/kcpassword file used for automatic login by using only shell script and built-in command line tools. Why shell only? In preparation for the great scripting runtime deprecation yet to come, I say! Now it’s time to do the reverse for auto login. Let’s get those details back out! Who would need to do such a thing? Imagine a scenario where you the hapless Mac admin have inherited a bunch of Zoom Room Mac minis with auto-login enabled yet no one has documented the passwords used for them! If they are enrolled in Jamf there’s no need to guess what annoying l33t sp3@k password was used, let’s leverage our XOR’ing skills and knowledge of how kcpassword works to send those details back to Jamf.

To get the password back out of /etc/kcpassword we XOR the password again with the same cipher used to obfuscate it originally however but instead of padding it in multiples of 12, we will stop when a character is the same as the current cipher character. FYI when you XOR a value with itself the result is 00 but that’s an unnecessary operation, we can just compare the characters. Voilá, that’s it.

Here’s the gist of the kcpasswordDecode routine:

Now for something a bit more useful to those with Jamf or other management tools: getAutoLogin. It reports the auto login username, if set, and the decodes the /etc/kcpassword file, if present. Note that until macOS 12 Monterey /etc/kcpassword was not removed when Automatic Login was turned off in System Preferences! Here’s what getAutoLogin looks in the Jamf policy logs:

Plaintext passwords in your logs are probably not the best, but hey, how else you gonna figure out your dang Zoom Room passwords? After retrieving the credentials and storing somewhere more secure, like a password manager, make sure to Flush the policy logs! Thanks for reading, I hope this comes in handy or at the very least was informative and mildly entertaining. 🤓

Gist: kcpasswordDecode
Github: getAutoLogin

macOS Compatibility Fun!

Compatibility Questions

If you work with Macs and Jamf then you know every year there’s a new per OS Extension Attribute (EA) or Smart Group (SG) recipe to determine if macOS will run on your fleets hardware. However I asked myself: What if a single Extension Attribute script could fill the need, requiring only a periodic updating of Model IDs and the addition of new macOSes?

Then I also asked: Could this same script be re-purposed to output both text and CSV, not just for the script’s running host but for a list of Model IDs? And the answer was a resounding yes on all fronts!

EA Answers

So, my fellow Jamf admin I present to you in its simplest form you just run the script and it will provide ultra-sparse EA output like: <result>10.14 10.15 11</result> this could then be used as a Smart Group criteria. Something like “macOS Catalina Compatible” would then match all Macs using LIKE 10.15 or “Big Sur Incompatible” would use NOT LIKE 11, of course care would be taken if you were also testing for 10.11 compatibility, however the versionsToCheck variable in the script can limit the default range to something useful and speeds things up the less version there are. I hope this helps Jamf admins who have vast unwieldy fleets where hardware can vary wildly across regions or departments,

CSV Answers

Now if you provide a couple arguments like so: ./ -c -v ALL ALL > ~/Desktop/macOSCompatibilityMatrix.csv you will get a pretty spiffy CSV that let’s you visualize which Mac models over the years have enjoyed the most and least macOS compatibility. This is my favorite mode, you can use it to assess the OS coverage of past Macs.

See macOSCompatibilityMatrix.csv for an example of the output. If you bring that CSV into Numbers or Excel you can surely liven it up with some Conditional Formatting! This is the barest of examples:

Can you spot the worst and best values?

Text Answers

If you don’t use the -c flag then it’ll just output in plain or text, like so: ./ -v ALL ALL

iMacPro1,1: 10.13 10.14 10.15 11
MacBook1,1: 10.4 10.5 10.6
MacBook2,1: 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7
MacBook3,1: 10.5 10.6 10.7
MacBook4,1: 10.5 10.6 10.7
MacBook5,1: 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11
MacBook6,1: 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13
MacBook7,1: 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13
MacBook8,1: 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 11
MacBook9,1: 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 11
MacBook10,1: 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 11
MacBookAir1,1: 10.5 10.6 10.7
MacBookAir2,1: 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11

Wrapping Up

Now, it’s not totally perfect since some models shared Model IDs (2012 Retina and Non-Retina MacBook Pros for example) but for the most part the Intel Mac Model IDs were sane compared to the PPC hardware Model IDs: abrupt jumps, overlaps, and re-use across model familes. Blech! I’m glad Apple “got religion” for Model IDs (for the most part) when Intel CPUs came along. I did attempt to go back to 10.1-10.3 with PPC hardware but it was such a mess it wasn’t worth it. However testing Intel, Apple Silicon and VMs against macOS 10.4 – 11+ seems to have some real use and perhaps you think so too? Thanks for reading!

KB Shortcut: Show Original(ity)

I hear it all the time (once): “Hey Joel! Your posts are fun and all… but what about me, the average every-man, who’s not a Mac admin?” Well, I hear you. Today, I have a Keyboard shortcut tip! Everyone loves those right? Tips like these are what some Mac blogs use to keep those daily click-thru revenues humming along! Here we go!

Aliases. Ever use those? You know, the files with the little arrows on them. The ones that have ruined many a off-site client presentation: “What do you mean ‘the original item can’t be found’?!!?! Fuuuuu…..!” Yeah, those.

An alias in the wild

Back in the “old days” (aka last year) and for decades before that (1991!), the keyboard shortcut in Finder to “Show Original” was Command-R, in fact that’s what Apple still says it is!

Command-R since 1991 meant “Show Original” aka “Reveal in Finder”

Since nothing lasts forever, it changed. Starting last year with macOS Mojave, “Show Original” is now the finger twisting Command-Option-Control-A. Why? So Command-R and Command-L could rotate your photos in Finder and QuickLook, that’s why!

See what they did there?

Daring Fireball has a great write-up screed about this, it’s hilarious and I love it, but my only critique is: not enough pictures! Well, I’m here to help, folks. Let’s figure out how to contort our hand to “Show Original” in this brave new world.

I’m trying to stay away from the “OK” sign these days…
This one is just a traffic-jam of fingers
Two handed? Has it really come to this? I need my mouse hand!

After some finger yoga and mindfulness exercises, I think I’ve come upon a way to Show Original, in a way that’s functional (one handed) and makes a statement! Here it is.

There we go! That sums it up.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any hand cramps or workplace misunderstandings that may arise from the use of this keyboard shortcut.